Giant Snake & Big Lizard Fight in the City after Genetic Mutation | Science Fiction Action Movie HD
Synopsis: The science fiction action movie “The Lizard 狂暴巨蜥” tells the story of a factory in a Southeast Asian country that accidentally formed a mutant monitor lizard due to sewage discharge. The boss Wu Dechang ordered the foreman Hu Tianzhao to go down the mountain to gather a group of villagers to eliminate the beast. The village’s best hunter Hu Tianming and zoologist Zhao Xiaoye found the monitor lizard’s residence through biological habits. However, the monitor lizard is far more ferocious than imagined. After a series of pursuits, everyone is forced to be trapped in the factory. An escape journey begins.
故事简介: 科幻动作电影《狂暴巨蜥 The Lizard》讲述东南亚某国的一个工厂因为污水排放意外形成了一只变异巨蜥。老板吴德昌命令工头胡天照去山下召集一帮村民消灭这只野兽。村里最优秀的猎人胡天明以及动物学家赵小叶通过生物习性找到了巨蜥的居所。然而巨蜥远比想象凶猛,经过一系列追击,所有人被迫困在工厂。一场逃生之旅由此展开。
出品 Studio: 深圳点澄光文化传媒 Dian Cheng Guang Film.
制片人 Produced by: 陈少钢 Zheng Shaogang.
导演 Directed by: 郑文政 Zheng Wenzheng.
编剧 Screenplay by: 郭星浩 Guo Xinghao, 大壮 Da Zhuang.
主演 Starring: 沈震轩 Shen Zhenxuan, 陈保元 Chen Baoyuan, 曹怡雪 Cao Yixue, 陶静怡 Tao Jingyi.
题材 Genres: #movie #电影 #film #fullmovie #动作 #科幻 #scifi
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