[Trailer] 玄天戰紀 The Immortal War | 奇幻動作電影 Fantasy Action film HD
故事簡介: 魔幻動作電影《玄天戰紀 The Immortal War》講述公元前92年,漢武帝後期,巫術橫行間,玄奇女子寒鶯和刑天查探到乃魔王女魅所為,為拯救天下蒼生,「暗黑森林」一戰,刑天戰死,寒鶯祭出絕跡天書《 #奇門遁甲》,與女魅同歸於虛無空間。 2000年後,兩個盜墓賊無意中誤闖進栗姬陵墓,造成魔王女魅甦醒,她大開魔門祭出魔族,魔族生性嗜血,人間大難即將來臨,驅魔人寒鶯與私家偵探刑天「機緣巧合」相遇,隨著二人的深入查探,發現一切都不是表面上這麼簡單,數千年前的恩怨延續至今,九幽烈火即將燒至,刑天與寒鶯再一次為了天下蒼生前往只有死亡的栗姬陵墓…本片音譯《Xuan Tian Zhan Ji》
Synopsis: The fantasy action movie “The Immortal War 玄天战纪” tells a story starting from Han Dynasty, witchcraft was rampant in the human world. Han Ying and Xing Tian, a couple who had learned Metaphysics, discovered that it was Enchantress, the Queen of the Demons, who did all of these. In order to save the world, they had a battle with her, Xing Tian was dead then. Finally, Han Ying fell into the Space of Nuihility with Enchantress by using Miracle Fighters, from the Heaven Book. 2000 years later, two tomb robbers dropped into the Crypt of Li Ji, namely Enchantress, and awakened her. Then a disaster was coming to the human world again…
出品發行 Studio: 中潤渤納 Zhong Run Bo Na, 九馬影業 Nine Horses Picture.
導演 Directed by: 屈志鑫 Qu Zhixing.
主演 Starring: 李文驍 Li Wenxiao, 羅莉娜 Luo Lina, 袁媛 Yuan Yuan, 週卓 Zhou Zhuo, 劉晉鑷 Liu Jinzhao.
題材 Genres: 奇幻 魔幻 #Fantasy #動作 #Action 劇情 Drama
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