神秘小島驚現恐怖巨蟒,殺機四伏美女能否逃出生天?探險動作電影 HD
故事簡介: 探險動作電影《Snake 深海巨蟒Deep Sea Python》講述了漁夫陳越受僱開船出海,送女攝影師鍾鳴等人前去一座遠洋海島參加聚會活動,不料島上正遭受深海巨蟒襲擊、殺機四伏,陳越和鍾鳴摒棄成見、相互配合,最終帶領倖存者脫離險境的故事。
Synopsis: The adventure action movie “Deep Sea Python 深海巨蟒 Snake” tells the story of fisherman Chen Yue who is hired to sail a boat out to sea to send female photographer Zhong Ming and others to a party on an ocean island. Unexpectedly, the island is being attacked by a deep sea python. With murderous intent lurking everywhere, Chen Yue and Zhong Ming abandon their prejudices, cooperate with each other, and finally lead the survivors out of danger.
出品 Studio: 海南這是一家傳媒 Zheshi Yijia Media, 河南光速影視 Guangsu Films.
製片 Produced by: 何海峰 He Haifeng, 陳阿文 Che Awen.
導演 Directed by: 王慶 Wang Qing.
編劇 Screenplay by: 張霖 Zhang Lin.
主演 Starring: 王昭 Wang Zhao, 王亞斌 Wang Yabin, 馬倩倩 Ma Qianqian, 方子怡 Fang Ziyi.
主題 Genres: #探險 #adventure #動作 #action
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