[Full Movie] 燕赤霞 Legend of Lanruo Temple 情迷蘭若寺 | 玄幻愛情動作電影 Fantasy Romance Action film HD
Synopsis: The fantasy romance & action movie “Yan Chixia, Legend of Lanruo Temple 燕赤霞之情迷蘭若寺” tells the story of Yan Chixia, a cynical and cowardly exorcist who accidentally made a bet with others to eradicate the tree demon Grandma around Lanruo Temple, and fell in love with Grandma during the exorcism process. In the end, after experiencing a series of emotions such as affection and betrayal, Yan Chixia reluctantly killed the blackened Grandma and upheld justice.
故事简介: 玄幻爱情动作电影《燕赤霞之情迷兰若寺 Yan Chixia, Legend of Lanruo Temple》讲述玩世不恭胆小如鼠的驱魔师燕赤霞,偶然间和别人立下赌约铲除在兰若寺周边的树妖姥姥,并在驱魔过程中与姥姥互生爱意。最终在经历了好感,背叛等一系列情愫后,燕赤霞忍痛杀死黑化的姥姥,匡扶正义。
出品 Studio: 上海亨利文化 Shanghai Henry Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 邵翻身 Shao Fanshen, 庄淑媛 Zhuang Shuyuan.
导演 Directed by: 张霸波 Zhang Babo.
编剧 Screenplay by: 陈曦 Chen Xi.
主演 Starring: 雷诺儿 Lei Nuoer, 陈欣 Chen Xin, 徐少强 Norman Chui, 禹童 Yu Tong.
题材 Genres: #movie #电影 #film #fullmovie #动作 #action #爱情 #romance #玄幻 #fantasy
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