

猴痘是由猴痘病毒引起的病毒感染,通過接觸感染者的皮損或污染物質傳播。 它還可以通過空氣傳播。 猴痘的潛伏期約為 10-21 天,症狀可能包括發燒、皮疹和其他類似流感的症狀。 雖然大多數病例是輕微的,但也可能發生嚴重病例,尤其是免疫系統較弱的人,如老人、兒童和孕婦。

截至2023年3月8日,台灣已出現三宗本地猴痘個案,最近一宗個案是一名來自台北市的三十多歲台灣男性,沒有外遊史。 他被歸類為散發病例,與18人有過接觸。 另外兩宗個案分別發生在新竹縣和高雄市。


猴痘的防控措施包括接種疫苗、保持良好的衛生習慣、避免與感染者接觸以及隔離感染者。 加強對病毒可以存活的表面的消毒程序也很重要。

值得注意的是,雖然猴痘與 COVID-19 不同,但仍然必須保持警惕並採取適當措施防止其傳播。

Monkeypox is a viral infection caused by the monkeypox virus, which is transmitted through contact with the skin lesion or contaminated materials of an infected person. It can also be transmitted through the air. The incubation period for monkeypox is about 10-21 days, and symptoms may include fever, skin rash, and other flu-like symptoms. While most cases are mild, severe cases can occur, especially in people with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly, children, and pregnant women.

As of March 8, 2023, there have been three local cases of monkeypox in Taiwan, with the most recent case being a Taiwanese male in his thirties from Taipei City who had no travel history. He was classified as a sporadic case and had contact with 18 people. The other two cases were reported in Hsinchu County and Kaohsiung City.

In response to the increasing risk of local outbreaks, the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control has urgently procured 10,000 doses of monkeypox vaccine and plans to begin the first phase of expanded vaccination in March, prioritizing the six municipalities.

Prevention and control measures for monkeypox include vaccination, maintaining good hygiene, avoiding contact with infected individuals, and isolating infected patients. It is also important to strengthen disinfection procedures for surfaces where the virus can survive.

It is important to note that while monkeypox is not the same as COVID-19, it is still essential to remain vigilant and take appropriate measures to prevent its spread.
#猴痘 #台灣 #疫情 #防疫 #疫苗 #個人防護 #r疾管署 #防疫措施 #健康