陪你度过漫长岁月 男生原调 简易快歌唱法伴奏

www. Vancouver Singing Academy .com溫哥華聲樂學院 Richmond BC Tel: (778)803 6228 Simple Easy and Fast Singing Method, Instant Improvement, see the result in the first class, free orientation session for private lesson, one on one and group lessons are welcome.簡易快 歌唱法,馬上見效,第一堂課見成績, 報讀一對一課程免費試課, 歡迎報讀青少年和成年人自組班 和一對一課程。另外, 簡易快成年人集体班和青少年集体­班课程,歡迎報讀! 聯繫請電莫老師:(778) 803 6228 MSN / E-mail: [email protected] QQ: 601301136莫雪仪老师毕业于中国广东星海音乐学院声乐本科,独创简易快歌唱法,经过科学的发声原­理,呼吸方法运用到现代流行歌曲的使用上,让流行歌演唱的风格更加自然,音域更广,感­情更投入,线条更流畅。莫雪仪老师现在加拿大温哥华致力于声乐研究,教学,课程包括:­青少年一对一,青少年小组,青少年K-POP组合训练,成年人一对一,成年人小组,吉­他自弹自唱小组,钢琴自弹自唱小组。歌唱晚会,歌唱表演和歌唱录音制作,详情请登录网­站:www.vancouversingingacademy.com 或在网上搜寻有关的教学录像。Ms. Joey MoThe recipient of the 2006 “Outstanding Overseas Chinese” award, Ms. Joey Mo is currently the President of Fenghua Arts Center and the Vancouver representative for the 7th Annual “China Culture Journey” hosted by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office at the China State Council. A famous soprano singer and vocal teacher, Ms. Joey Mo graduated from the Xinghai Conservatory of Music in the Guangdong province of China where she majored in the Vocal Division under the faculty of Performing Arts. She currently acts as the Director of the Vancouver Singing Academy. Ms. Joey Mo has received tremendous results in teaching and created her own “Simple, Easily and Quick” singing method to support her teaching. Through the study of sound/vocal principles and human physicality, she uses a new breathing technique and applies it to modern singing to allow for a wider vocal range, easier flow and a much more natural and emotional vocal expression. Ms. Mo contributes her time and effort in various vocal studies in Vancouver, specializing in the combination of singing and performing to ensure that students receive the best results in eight lessons. 报名请电邮:[email protected] 上课大温地区烈治文市。