卓依婷 – 難忘的初戀情人 (1994年版) (最愛 原聲 KTV)


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Traditional: 難忘的初戀情人
Simplified: 难忘的初恋情人
Pinyin: Nan Wang De Chu Lian Qing Ren
Meaning: Unforgettable First Love(r)
MV女主角: ()
MV男主角: ()

This song is sung by 卓依婷 (Timi Zhuo) and is originally from her 懷念金曲 (Remembering the Golden [Song] Hits) album. The album is also known as 懷念鄧麗君金曲 (Remembering Teresa Teng’s Golden [Song] Hits). There are a total of 24 recorded songs, although it’s a bit complicated: 16 songs were officially released, 6 were released as bonus tracks in a completely different Timi album, and 2 were unreleased. Out of the 24 songs, 12 songs were recorded twice, once in 1994 and the second in 1995. This particular version is the 1994 version. Click on the link for the 1995 version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LoOPMsQ0Zs.

The video was recorded and originally produced by 麗琦影視 (Rich) and has been released by Rich and 最愛 (Zui Ai). The difference between the two versions is that the Zui Ai lyrics have Roman Spelling and are not centered like the Rich videos. These KTVs were probably released sometime in 1993 or early-1994, which means that they were released BEFORE 懷念金曲. The background music from Timi’s renditions actually came from these videos, although this upload has remastered the audio to make it match the Timi version.

鄧麗君 (Teresa Teng) is the original singer of this song, although her rendition has different lyrics than this version.
There are other popular music covers of 難忘的初戀情人, including 林玉英 (Lin Yu Ying), 曾益 (Ceng Yi) + 孟繁菁 (Meng Fan Jing), 高勝美 (Sammie Gao), 林美惠 (Lin Mei Hui) + 唐山 (Tang Shan), and 謝采妘 (Michelle Hsieh).
The Hokkien version has same song title as this one, 難忘的初戀情人 (Lan Bong E Chho Loan Cheng Jin): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtVjNbOxhxw, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSGtIxsRcBM, or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-XsbBuP3JM.

Song #16 on 懷念金曲 VCD and HDCD (金碟豹 version)
Song #01 on 最愛金曲七字部 VCD1 (this is where this upload came from)
Song #04 on 最愛金曲 – 甜歌回味 經典篇, Volume 7

NOTE: 卓依婷 does NOT appear in these music videos. 最愛/Rich just uses the same background music for its videos.

作詞:狄 珊

是愛情不夠深 還是沒緣份
希望你告訴我 初戀的情人
你我各分東西 這是誰的責任
我對你永難忘 我對你情意真
直到海枯石爛 難忘的初戀情人

從早晨到黃昏 為你抹淚痕
希望你告訴我 再來我家門
我要向你傾訴 心中無限苦悶
只要你心不變 我依舊情意真
直到海枯石爛 難忘的初戀情人